Our creative-thinking transforms your business reality.

Creativity, culture, and strategy are the keys to overcoming "business as usual."

Nearly 1,000 CEOs named CREATIVITY as the most essential leadership quality in business—in IBM’s largest study of CEOs. More crucial than integrity, influence, global-thinking, or even management discipline.

Those CEOs are right. You do need creativity. But the business gurus are all wrong about how you get it.

Helpful creativity isn’t magically unlocked, it’s learned. We have cultivated creativity as a skill through decades of artistic, musical and real-world practice, and fused it with our business and strategic expertise in entrepreneurship, business development, management and social change.


70% of change efforts fail.

Our creative-thinking and problem-solving skills are the tools you need.

We uncover and chart solutions where others see roadblocks. We can understand, navigate, and leverage your corporate culture. We give simple language to tough issues to help you make decisions. We strive to help you break your cycle of business as usual.

We help like no one else because we are like no one else.

"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen
& thinking what nobody else has thought." - Jonathan Swift

Who Can We Help

Our clients are business or organizations facing obstacles for which they aren't able to envision a solution or approach.

Whether you're stuck in your growth phase and unsure how to breakthrough, or cynical from too many attempts to "change" while never seeing real change happen, or you know that a new chapter is upon you and you're unsure how to best proceed, you know that doing the same things the same way and hoping the right result isn't going to work.

The Power of Creativity

Points of Entry

Let's talk about how OCTANT8 can be the help you've needed.